Promoting, sharing and uniting kindness
Secondary Schools - Pay It Forward Cards

Pay It Forward is a goodwill movement where the recipient of a good deed repays it to others rather than paying it back (to the original benefactor).

Here are a selection of Pay It Forward cards. When you do a good deed, give them a Pay It Forward card and ask them to pass on the kindness to someone else by doing a kind act themselves (rather than paying you back). You can use these designs or use the ideas to make your own cards.

Singapore Kindness Movement

Click on images for larger version.

Singapore Kindness Movement Front
Singapore Kindness Movement Back

Pay It Forward Day

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Pay It Forward Day Front
Pay It Forward Day Front

Be Kind People Project

Click on images for larger version.

Be Kind People Project Front
Be Kind People Project Back

Italian Kindness Movement

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Italian Kindness Movement Front
Italian Kindness Movement Back

Kindness UK

Click on images for larger version.

Kindness UK Front
Kindness UK Back