The University of Sussex launches UK's first centre on the study of kindness March 2022
The University of Sussex has, on Thursday 23 March, publicly launched the first academic research centre in the UK dedicated to the study of kindness.
The Sussex Centre for Research on Kindness brings together researchers from across the University with expertise in psychology, business, education, social work, medical practice and media to investigate the impact of kindness on people and communities.
The formation of the Centre builds on existing expertise and various research being conducted into the study of kindness at the University. This includes The Kindness Test, a project led by a team of researchers in the Sussex Centre for Research on Kindness, based at the University of Sussex, in partnership with BBC Radio 4. Its aim is to learn more about how people’s attitudes and experiences might vary across different groups, and how experiences of kindness might relate to health, well-being, and other social and psychological experiences.
The Centre is also home to the UK's first ever university course on the Psychology of Kindness and Wellbeing at Work. The online Post-Graduate Certificate course was developed by academics from the School of Psychology and Business School. It teaches students the skills to create a successful workplace based on positive organisational cultures.
Professor Sasha Roseneil, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sussex, said: "The University of Sussex has been cultivating a distinctive specialism in research into kindness in recent years. After the huge upheavals and disruptions to everyday life experienced around the world during the pandemic, the launch of the UK's first research centre focused on the study of kindness is very timely. From previous neuroscience research at Sussex, we know that the warm glow of kindness is real, and that kindness benefits both the giver and receiver of the kind act. Indeed, kindness may be the key to connecting people so that we can work together to tackle some of the pressing societal challenges that we are facing in the world right now."
Building on initial support from Kindness UK to develop a network of researchers focused on kindness, the Centre has received funding for three years from the Pears Foundation to grow expertise around kindness, help organisations access academic research on kindness, and shine a light on kindness. The Centre plans to deliver a series of academic and public-facing talks on kindness as a fundamental part of human wellbeing.
Dr Gillian Sandstrom, Senior Lecturer in the Psychology of Kindness and Director of the Sussex Centre for Research on Kindness at the University of Sussex said: "As someone whose academic research focuses on the importance of talking to strangers, I am so pleased that the Sussex Centre for Research on Kindness is officially out there in the world. As a team, we will actively be looking for ways to collaborate with organisations and local communities to share our cutting-edge research with the aim of helping people to make the world a little kinder."
Claudia Hammond hosted the public launch event. Hammond is a BBC broadcaster and Visiting Professor for the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University, as well as the author of The Keys to Kindness - a book examining how you can be kinder to yourself and others, drawing on kindness research.
Panellists at the launch event included Professor Martin Spinelli from the University of Sussex School of Media, Arts and Humanities, who focussed on innovative multimedia resources to promote kindness in school settings; Dr Nicky McCrudden, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and doctoral researcher from the University of Sussex Business School, who discussed the value of kindness in the workplace; and Dr Liz McDonnell from the School of Law, Politics and Sociology who explored kindness in the community.
Joining the panellists and Claudia Hammond were Head of the School of Psychology and founder of the Sussex Centre for Research on Kindness, Professor Robin Banerjee and Dr Gillian Sandstrom. It was Professor Banerjee who had the idea to start a research group into kindness after identifying how critical kindness was in creating a positive culture in school settings. Senior Lecturer in the Psychology of Kindness, Dr Sandstrom, who is the Director of the Centre, joined the University last year to launch and lead the Sussex Centre for Research on Kindness after developing a specialism in the benefits of speaking to strangers.
Notable previous research into kindness from the University of Sussex includes a study into the neuroscience of charitable giving, which found that acts of kindness benefit both the giver and receiver; an investigation into the factors that influence individuals’ intentions to be kind; an exploration into the connection between kind behaviours in adolescents and their wellbeing; and the potential effects of seeing kindness in our engagement with social media.
BBC Radio Shropshire Christmas Kindness Interview With David Jamilly Of Kindness UK December 2022
Kindness UK founder, David Jamilly, spoke to BBC Radio Shropshire about Christmas kindness on 15th December 2022.
Press the 'play' button to listen
Word on Kindness - For The Good Of Our Health December 2022
Our grateful thanks to Kindness UK for their input to our radio report, which you can hear again further down this page. To connect through to Kindness UK click here.
What kindness can do for your overall health. Research shows people who give of themselves in a balanced way tend to be healthier and live longer.
A study by the Universities of Exeter and Oxford found that taking part in self-compassion exercises calms the heart rate, switching off the body's threat response. Kindness can decrease blood pressure which is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke - two of our biggest killers and causes of disability.
10 Things We Learned From The World’s Largest Study On Kindness May 2022
In August 2021, BBC Radio 4 launched the Kindness Test, an online study created by a team at the University of Sussex, UK, led by psychologist Robin Banerjee.
People can choose to participate, and with more than 60,000 contributions, it has become the world’s largest in-depth study of kindness.
David Jamilly BBC Radio London 12/09/2021 September 2021
BBC Radio London’s Sangita Myska talks with Professor Robin Bannerjee of Sussex University and David Jamilly of Kindness UK on the subject of kindness. Broadcast on 12/09/21.
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How being kind to colleagues can really improve your professional life February 2021
“BE kind” is now a buzz-phrase of the pandemic. But do you apply it at work?
It is Random Acts of Kindness Week and employment experts are urging the nation to be caring to colleagues.
Government data shows stress-related illnesses cost the UK at least £6.5billion a year, with an estimated 11.7million working days lost to depression and anxiety annually.
So, being more considerate really can improve your professional life.
Former coffee shop manager Sandra Viz knows from personal experience how big a difference one act of kindness can make.
Channel 5 TV Interview From 17/02/2021 February 2021
David Jamilly speaks to Channel 5.
Reflections on Kindness February 2021
Filmed for Kindfest 2020, David Jamilly gives us some thoughts on kindness.
"I feel proud and honoured to be associated with Sussex, where innovations and growth are lauded and activated." By Emma Wigmore, University of Sussex February 2021
David Jamilly, social entrepreneur, humanitarian and founder of Kindness UK, talks about his support of Sussex Kindness Research.
Since my teens I have been continuously involved in diverse social projects, including helping the elderly, vulnerable and suicidal. I set up my first charity (Pod Children’s Charity) in 1977, which has provided live entertainment to over a million children in UK hospitals. In 2005, I went on to found the Good Deeds Organisation, which promoted news of good deeds from around the world – in those days good deeds was another way of saying kindness.
I am a great introvert and it was a huge personal leap to feature on the Secret Millionaire television programme. It turned out to be an amazing opportunity and a privilege to meet so many incredible people, as well as to be able to support causes I would never otherwise have known about.
I set up Kindness UK in 2010 and it has continued to go from strength to strength. One of our greatest achievements is to have been able to help initiate and support the University of Sussex Kindness Research. I first met Professor Robin Banerjee (Professor of Developmental Psychology and Head of the School of Psychology) about seven years ago when he was supervising a PhD student who had included the word ‘kindness’ in the title of their thesis. Our work and friendship blossomed from there. Robin brings an abundance of positive energy to his students, the University and all around him.
We live in a world where science is taken as the benchmark for the big decisions that affect us all. It is vitally important that kindness is seen as a science in its own right, so that it can be included as a part of institutional/governmental decision-making process. Sussex is trailblazing in this respect and has already had successful reach and impact.
It cannot go unmentioned that the University is the first distinguished academic institution in the world to embed kindness so deeply into its culture. In my view, kindness and energy are common attributes at Sussex. Academic research into psychology, values, altruism, compassion, charity, empathy, sympathy and so on has great merit, but the big difference with kindness is that it implies action by its very nature.
I feel proud and honoured to be associated with such an eminent University. A ‘happening’ University, where innovations and growth are lauded and activated. Most great contemporary thinkers, philosophers and leaders agree that development of education and dissemination of knowledge are the most important contributing factors to the design and welfare of tomorrow’s world.
I get a sense of personal fulfilment through my involvement with Sussex Kindness Research. I think it is a very special time and space right now at Sussex and that many synergies have converged simultaneously. The outcome will doubtless be very exciting and game changing.
David’s support has been integral to enabling the growing field of kindness academic research at Sussex to flourish, making awards to researchers to present their findings at conferences since 2015, supporting the launch of the Sussex Kindness Research Network in 2018 and helping KindFest 2020 to be the great success that it was.
Julia George discussed kindness on BBC Radio Kent.
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World Kindness Day: 11 ways to make the world a better place By Laura Kelly November 2020
World Kindness Day, which takes place every year on November 13, is an attempt to bring people together. Thousands of tiny acts of kindness turning from ripples into waves and spreading good vibes around the world. Lord knows we need it this year. And you can join the celebration by pledging to do one kind thing today.
“I do believe that kindness is the most important thing that we have, as human beings, to make everybody’s life better,” says David Jamilly, founder of the non-profit Kindness UK.
“Kindness is a positive value that encompasses a lot of other values like compassion, altruism, empathy, sympathy.
“We’re in a very, very challenged world at the moment and the only way that we can work together and communicate together, find solutions together, have community together, is through kindness.”
Jamilly says that recent years have brought lots of evidence that kindness can have a positive impact. “It is irrefutable that kindness to others benefits society at large and community at large,” he added.
But the more surprising thing is that in being kind, we are not just helping others, we are healing ourselves. Numerous studies have shown that people who carry out more acts of kindness feel better themselves.
In an April 2020 survey by the Mental Health Foundation, 63 per cent of UK adults agreed that when other people are kind to them it had a positive impact on their mental health. The same proportion said the reverse – being kind to other people had a positive impact on their own mental health.
“There’s a saying that the best way to help yourself is to help someone else,” said Jamilly. “It’s a very strange phenomenon. If you’re feeling really terrible, and you make yourself go out and do something for someone else, then that comes back to you and helps you through your difficult time.”
To help you and your community, The Big Issue has brought together 11 suggestions for how you can celebrate World Kindness Day 2020. Because, as Aesop wrote in The Lion and the Mouse, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Kindness For One Day or Everyday – Created Curated by Sara Brown October 2020
I have been meaning to write a blog on Kindness for some time. I think this is the most essential personality trait that anyone can have. Also, if ever there was a time for Kindness it’s Now. I have in my life been given random acts of kindness, often from surprizing sources and these were very important to me at the time. Acts of Kindness, don’t need to be huge gestures, sometimes its small things that matter most and mean a lot. Research shows that helping others can be beneficial to our own mental health. It can reduce stress, improve our emotional wellbeing and even benefit our physical health. Almost everybody feels good when someone is kind to them. This is especially true for those who are vulnerable, like people who are recovering from depression or who are learning to live with dementia. Acts of kindness and compassion can increase wellbeing and aid recovery.
What Comes Next: Will the pandemic make us kinder – or will it deepen divisions? By Natalie Morris, Senior lifestyle reporter - June 2020
Kindness has been a pervasive theme since the pandemic began, on both a global and local scale.
A crisis of this proportion crashes us all together and forces us to rely on each other in ways we haven’t had to in a generation. And there is a sense that our ability to survive this hinges on individual and collective kindness – on how well we, as a society, can work with each other and for each other.
And many are being kind. Thousands of us are discovering reserves of compassion and empathy that we have never had to use before.
Voice of Islam - Breakfast Show Podcast 29/05/2020
David Jamilly talks to the Breakfast Show
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What Caroline Flack’s Tragic Death Should Teach Us About Kindness By Sirin Kale, Stylist March 2020
Following the tragic death of Caroline Flack, Stylist explores how we create a lasting culture of kindness.
In December 2019, Caroline Flack posted a quote on Instagram: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” Just 72 days later, she took her own life.
Scrolling through Twitter after the news broke, I noticed the hashtag #BeKind appearing more and more in relation to her death. On Instagram, users were sharing her December post about kindness, and reflecting on their own conduct. Without knowing the rights and wrongs or the intricacies of her mind, there was a consensual feeling that she had been treated badly. Unkindly. And that this unkindness had in turn led to her death. Seeing this reaction felt pivotal – you could sense the stirrings of a shift; a widespread call be kinder.
David Jamilly talks to BBC Radio Humberside on World Kindness Day 2019.
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Something Of The Kind Annual day promotes positive actions, writes Emily Bright November 2019
IT’S a day that aims to put the ‘kind’ into ‘humankind’. Individuals, schools and businesses are pledging to carry out thoughtful acts on Kindness Day UK (13 November).
The annual day was founded in 2010 by entrepreneur David Jamilly to ‘celebrate and promote kindness’. In previous years, David’s non-profit organisation Kindness UK has marked the day by handing out chocolate at train stations and co-ordinating a ‘text wave’ in which people sent encouraging messages to others.
‘People do kind things all the time,’ David tells the War Cry, ‘but on
Kindness Day we want them to do something slightly out of the ordinary – for
instance, hanging around when they’ve arrived at their train station to help
somebody with their bags or randomly
buying someone a coffee.’
See full War Cry article below:
'The Kindness Project' Podcast
David Jamilly is interviewed by The Kindness Project podcast. The podcast is hosted by father and daughter team Chris and Charlotte and is an audio exploration of how we can all be a little bit kinder to each other.
David Jamilly is interviewed by the Startup Handmedowns podcast. The podcast is hosted by Phil and Ranbir and is the ultimate podcast for young entrepreneurs by young entrepreneurs.
David Jamilly talks to BBC Radio Sheffield on 16th April 2019.
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BBC Radio 5 Live 05/03/2019
David Jamilly talks to BBC Radio 5 Live on 5th March 2019.
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BBC Radio Ulster 17/10/2018
David Jamilly talks to BBC Radio Ulster on 17th October 2018.
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BBC Radio Leicester 16/02/2018
David Jamilly talks to BBC Leicester on 16th February 2018.
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MADE TV Interview 30/11/2017
David Jamilly speaks to MADE TV.
BBC Radio Leicester 23/10/2017
David Jamilly talks to BBC Radio Leicester's Ady Dayman on October 23rd about the upcoming Kindness Day.
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Blackpool Bid To Become Kindness Capital Of UK, May 2017
Kindness Uk is proud to be working in partnership with The Blackpool Fairness Commission to introduce kindness as a culture and core value throughout the infrastructure of Blackpool. Wonderful children from St.Johns Primary School quiz Public Health Director Arif Rajpura and David Jamilly on the subject of kindness.
Chocolates And Cards Given Out During Celebration Of Random Acts Of Kindness At KGH, February 2017
The many acts of kindness which staff at Kettering General Hospital (KGH) perform every day is the theme for celebrations at the hospital this week.
This week is international Random Acts of Kindness Week and is celebrated around the world.
At KGH the hospital is celebrating the week by performing some acts of kindness for staff, including providing them with thank you cards, chocolates, surprise tea and coffee trolley visits, heart sweets (on Valentine’s Day) a relaxing meditation session and health and well-being checks.
Sussex University Kindness UK Symposium, November 2016
Amazing world first at Sussex University where academia and kindness joined forces and Student presentations on kindness were received by an audience of academics and visitors at worlds first academic kindness symposium.
Good Deed For Day Helps Us All - The Mirror Article, November 2016
One conscious kind act a day is the best thing uni can do to be kinder to other people - and yourself.
It can range from opening the door for someone, to calling someone up for a chat, to doing acts of kindness such as paying for someone’s tea or coffee.
It may be contacting someone who is unwell, complimenting someone at work - whatever suits the individual person. There’s scientific evidence showing an act of kindness causes beneficial chemical changes in the brain for both people.
We at Kindness UK call the Helper’s High. It makes you instantly feel better and has a positive effect on both your health and longevity. Kindness really can, I believe, help you live longer.
In times of stress and uncertainty, the kindness level does seem to recoil but it is still there.
Imagine a world where kindness was part of the curriculum at school - what a different world we would live in.
Coolabi Readies #ClangerforKindness Campaign, October 2016
The campaign has been developed to help kids and parents alike spread kindness through carrying out unselfish acts over its course.
Coolabi is gearing up for the launch of its exclusive #ClangersForKindness campaign, an initiative billed as its biggest creative marketing run for the hit Clangers brand.
The campaign has been developed to help kids and parents alike spread kindness through carrying out unselfish acts over its course.
TODAY is World Kindness Day and people everywhere are carrying out random acts of benevolence to bring positivity to the lives of people around them, writes Heidi Wilkins.
People across the country are encouraged to get involved in today’s celebrations and pledge to be kind - whether it’s a simple act of decency or an outstanding feat of altruism.
David Jamilly talks to BBC Tees on 30th October 2016 about new kindness app.
Press the 'play' button to listen
The University of Sussex is adopting a culture of kindness in conjunction with Kindness UK 12/06/2015
Jessica Cotney a researcher in the University’s School of Psychology’s Children’s’ Relationships, Emotions and Social Skills (CRESS) lab will be running numerous kindness projects in association with Kindness UK. SussexKindness will begin with a kindness competition on campus in Freshers’ Week in September and the winners will be announced on Kindness Day UK in November.
Please click here to find out more about how the University of Sussex are promoting kindness as a way of life.
BBC Radio Newcastle Interview 02/02/2015
Georgina Jones chats to Jonathan Miles about the recent heart-warming news story of kindness to Alan Barnes.
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Irvine Herald – Blacklands Primary School: One of a kind 05/12/2014
Blacklands Primary School is has been given the distinguished Kind School of the Year Award by Kindness UK.
The school held a special assembly to celebrate being named this year’s winner of the Primary School Kindness UK Initiative Award. It comes after the school demonstrated a remarkable commitment to promoting kindness towards each other and wider community.
Woman’s Weekly – Christmas Cheer 02/12/2014
Kindness UK’s, Georgina Jones, features in a Christmas issue of Woman’s weekly. It tells how being generous and kind is good for you and you don’t have to spend money at Christmas to feel great!
Pinner Observer – Grab a free chocolate bar and spread kindness 20/11/2014
Pinner Observer/Wembley & Willesden Observer reported Kindness UK’s free chocolate give away for Kindness Day UK 2014.
Bournemouth Daily Echo – Pupils’ kindness is the key to happiness 13/11/2014
This article details the local success of incorporating kindness into teaching after Kindness UK sent free resource packs to every school in the country.
Huffington Post - National Kindness Day UK: How Can Being Kinder To People Help With Loneliness? 13/11/2014
Huffington Post talked to Kindness UK about the art of being kind and how it can change our lives, even the small acts can make a big difference.
David Jamilly discusses the importance of kindness with Mike Sweeney.
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Edinburgh Evening News – It’s school to be kind 31/10/2014
Boroughmuir High School’s kind ethos is acknowledged with Kindness UK’s most prestigious school award; Kind School of the Year.
'Founder David Jamilly said: “The kind ethos of Boroughmuir High School is exemplary. Boroughmuir High has gone way above and beyond and the kind ripples from their school permeate through the entire Edinburgh community. We are delighted with the wonderful and amazing kind acts that Boroughmuir High School has done and they are an inspiration to other schools.”'
BBC Radio Manchester Interview 08/07/2014
Georgina Jones speaks to Mike Sweeney during his BBC Radio Manchester show on Random Acts of Kindness.
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Huffington Post features Kindness UK’s blog 24/06/2014.
Kindness UK’s blog is posted on Huffington Post website.
Kindness UK on ITV's Day Break 11/02/2014
Founder of Kindness UK, David Jamilly’s interview on ITV Day Break during a special feature on acts of kindness.
Colchester Gazette 13/01/2014
Colchester Gazette article about random acts of kindness featuring Kindness UK.
Click on image to see larger version.
SWLondoner – National What Week: How being kind is important to society 13/11/2013
SWLondoner article on Kindness Day UK, Kindness UK and David Jamilly on 13th November 2013
Good News Magazine 21/11/2013
David Jamilly talks to Good News Magazine, Sweden about kindness and Kindness UK. Please contact us for an English translation of the article.
The Telegraph - How to be kind - and why it's good for your health 13/11/2013
The Telegraph article about Kindness Day UK featuring David Jamilly on 13th November 2013
Click to view article.
BBC Newcastle 01/11/2013
David Jamilly speaks to BBC Newcastle on 1st November 2013.
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BBC Somerset 26/09/2013
David Jamilly speaks to BBC Somerset on 26th September 2013.
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Good News Magazine 01/07/2013
Kindness UK is featured in the 'Inspired' section of the Swedish publication.
Click on image to see larger version.
BBC Radio Stoke 05/06/2013
David Jamilly talks to Lee Thomas about how kindness impacts our community.
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London's Biggest Conversation 03/05/2013
Hattie from Kindness UK talks to Julia Hartley Brewer about kindness to our neighbours.
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Training Journal 04/04/2013
Kindness UK writes about kindness in the workplace for the Training Journal magazine.
Click on image to see larger version.
Colchester Gazette 07/01/2013
Kindness UK contributes to a news story on kindness.
Click on image to see larger version.
BBC Radio Newcastle 19/11/12
David Jamilly discusses the impact of kindness.
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BBC Radio Kent 13/11/12
David Jamilly talks to Julia George on World Kindness Day.
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BBC WM 14/04/12
Analucia Beaman speaks to Mollie Green about a study which suggests that there is a gene which determines if you are nice or not.
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BBC WM 28/11/11
David Jamilly speaks to Paul Franks about a study which suggests that kindness and community spirit are in decline in the UK.
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Radio London Interview 13/11/2011
David Jamilly talks to BBC London on World Kindness Day, 13th November 2011 with a few suggestions of how you can mark the day.