Hathaway College - Essex

“Your resources are beautiful.”

St Peter’s School – Cambridgeshire

“The information book with class ideas is really useful – thank you.”

Aylesford School Sports College - Kent

“We have recently been using your kindness resource pack for secondary schools in our PSHEE lessons at Aylesford School Sports College. Our year 8 students have been trialling some of the activities as part of their 'making a positive contribution' unit of work. They particularly enjoyed discussing the conundrums and we developed this by watching the YouTube clip \'inspirational video pay it forwards\' and rating the acts of kindness on a continuum. All students in year 8 have watched the 'pay it forwards' movie in lessons, with activities taken from your resource pack to compliment it and feedback from students about this unit has been positive. We have also been looking at some of the themes with other groups where they compliment existing topics, for example year 9 have been looking at criminal behaviour and having seen your activity on graffiti I decided to lead a full lesson on the impact of graffiti on the community- where we provided examples of positive and negative street art and encouraged students to express and debate an opinion about this. We then looked at students creating their own example of a draft of artwork which shows 'kindness' as you suggested in your arts and creativity activities. I would like to look at students spending more time on this in the future so we get some work which can be displayed around school. Finally, we are arranging for the Maidstone Lions charity to visit the school for a week of assemblies based on kindness, volunteering and the community to support our existing charity efforts. We are now looking at how we can begin to add 'kindness' to our key stage 4 lessons. Thank you very much for the resource and the plethora of ideas it has provided us to allow the school to consider this important theme in more depth.”

Warden Park School – West Sussex

“The Warden Park kindness initiative has taken many forms and been recognised in many ways. In October we launched the initiative with an assembly to show students the benefits of kindness and how they could acknowledge the kind acts of others. Since then, students have logged over 300 acts of kindness from their peers using our electronic questionnaire. The very kindest acts have been acknowledged with certificates and trophies.

Since then, we have incorporated kindness into our tutor programme by focusing on kind acts in the media, learning about people famous for their kind acts and debating different forms of kindness and why they are so important. This was kicked of with an entire week of kindness activities in tutor time.

The initiative has also had an impact in lessons, with a kindness week of lessons where students have learned about kindness within their curriculum area. Examples of this include: Which country is the kindest (Georgraphy), the finances of running a charity (Maths), writing kind poems about other students (English) and being polite in other languages and cultures (Languages). This saw a positive impact in all lessons of our KS3 students.

Since then, we have appointed a kindness council to help with the school’s charity drive and help deliver more new initiatives to Warden Park. We are currently working on drop-in sessions where students can talk to members of the kindness council about anything they wish. If students report any unkind behaviour, then this is reported to the pastoral team.”

Chatsmore Catholic High School – West Sussex

“Good for PHSCCE and tutor sessions.”

Wootton Upper School, Bedfordshire

“Tasks will be circulated via Microsoft Powerpoint. Some nice activities and lovely quotes. For Kindness Day we will have class activities in PSHE sessions and possibly a focus for assemblies.”

Ravens Wood School, Kent

“Thank you for your pack. We will be exploring the use of this information with our Year 7s as part of our Citizenship programme.”

Belmont Academy, Ayr

“Thank you for the packs, it’s a great quality resource. We will have a kindness week across the school, incorporate kindness into the timetables and focus on that area. Please can we have 6 more packs for the Heads of Departments?”

Bushey Meads School, Hertfordshire

“Thank you for this delightful resource. We will be using the pack in assemblies within form time and appropriate theme days. Kindness Day UK is a great day to promote.”

Bishop Justus C of E School, Kent

“We will be using the curriculum ideas. We have recently started a whole school initiative on healthy mindset and will use this resource to help subjects plan for lessons addressing issues of happiness, raising self esteem and well being. On Kindness Day UK, during our (whole school) tutor group worship we will focus on happiness. We will ask all students to do a random act of kindness during the day.”

Kings Langley School, Hertfordshire

“Thank you for the ideas in the booklet, we will be working with Pastoral leaders and Head of Departments to launch and promote kindness. Our school is already very active in promoting values and character. On Kindness Day we will hold fundraising activities as a way of showing kindness. Money raised will be donated to charity as a sign of kindness. Students challenges will include performing a random act of kindness and donating their time.”

Witchford Village College, Cambridgeshire

“We like the page suggesting things people can do to be kind. We will be using the pack with self esteem and young carers groups. Thank you.”

Miltoncross School, Hampshire

“Can we please have 50 copies to distribute to all of our teaching staff to use during tutor time? We can then also plan an activity for 13th November.”

Barnfield South Academy, Luton

“I would very much like a copy of your secondary pack.”

Tanbridge House School, Horsham

“I will be putting some of the activities into our PHSE Tutor sessions. Thanks.”

Waddesdon Church of England School, Buckinghamshire

“It all looks good and I look forward to using it for lessons. We will deliver an assembly on kindness and do some activities in PSHE and create a Kindness Day message board in the library.”

Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School, Kent

“Your Kindness Pack would be very useful for our PSHE lessons. Would it be possible to have another 5 copies?”

The Burgate School & Sixth Form, Hampshire

“Thank you for your kindness pack. I am pleased to inform you that we will be making the most of your resources. Could you please send 2 further copies of the Kindness pack to us? We are planning to use several of the resources on the Kindness Day in November and make it a focus for our PSHE that week.”

Alton College, Hampshire

“I would like to try something here; there seem to be lots of ideas and suggestions for manageable interventions. Please could you send me 4 more packs? We already have been running Random Acts of Kindness for staff. We have used the packs for lesson plans and have been especially well received with groups with a mild learning disability. For Kindness Day UK we arranged chocolates for teachers!”

Wilson’s School, Wallington

“Many thanks indeed for the pack, which will be useful for the Happiness and Wellbeing portion of our KS4 PSHE curriculum. I would also like to use some of the quotes and fables on displays around the school. 7 additional copies would be great – one for each Head of Year. We are already scrolling the quotes on screen as boys enter the school. On Kindness Day UK we will have school assemblies with kindness as an explicit theme.”

Stowmarket High School, Suffolk

“Thank you for the copy of you Kindness UK pack. Please could you send a further 20 copies to us? It looks a very useful resource for the school to use across the board in promoting good relationships.”

St Martin’s School, Brentwood

“We’re really taken with the pack. Please can we have 9 more packs to be shared with all the heads of faculties for them to use during class time.”

The King Edmund School, Essex

“Thank you for sending the pack.”

The Holt School, Wokingham

“What a lovely set of resources – thank you. The timing is uncanny it was only in the summer holidays that I read a book called “The Art of Being Kind” by Stefan Einhorn and shared it with my colleagues, emphasising the importance of being kind, regardless of how difficult the situation may be. So it was perfect to receive all these lovely ideas. We will definitely be distributing the resources to each department and all the Heads of Year I hope we can do something special on 13th November.”

Hilderstone College, Kent

“Thank you for sending the kindness pack, it looks useful. I will be adapting some of the activities in it to use with foreign students. We are an adult EFL college. The activities that look most useful are ones that will generate language that is tangible for EFL students. Thank you for the certificate. It has fired up a lot of positive discussion in the staffroom. As a result, would it be possible to send some more copies of the educational pack for teachers to use. Very many thanks. Your educational pack will be invaluable as part of short-course projects for European teenagers.”

The Ellington and Hereson School, Kent

“We will use some of the activities during assembly, PHSE and with fund raising days for charity. Is it possible for you to send our Pastoral Support Manager two more copies of the Kindness UK Kindness Pack.”

Brewers Hill Middle School, Bedfordshire

“The Cyberkindness section looks great. We will use this as part of our values program.”

Ratton School, East Sussex

“We will use the pack for planning whole school tutor activities and assemblies. We will use the pack a minimum of once per term. On Kindness Day UK each tutor group will take a kindness challenge. Thanks for this helpful resource.”

St Edmund’s Catholic School, Portsmouth

“Whole school assemblies.”

Heathfield Community College, East Sussex

“We will trial some ideas via year 12 tutor groups this September. Will also pass on to Heads of Year.”

Putteridge High School, Luton

“Please can we have 5 more packs to support Kindness Week.”

Monk’s Walk School, Hertfordshire

“Thank you so much for the Kindness UK resource pack, we are currently writing the scheme of work to accompany it and will deliver selected lessons for the first time in September. Please can we have another 8 copies of the book so that the staff can each have a copy? Many thanks.”

Ashcroft High School, Luton

“Please can we have 3 more kindness packs – one for PSHCE, one for student council and one for RS. Thank you.”

Patcham High School, Brighton

“Our Headteacher has requested this is passed onto our Lifeskills Deparment.”

George Abbot School, Guilford

“We would love a Secondary School Kindness pack. Thank you.”