“We launched Kindness week with assemblies for all years 7-11, lessons on kindness and Thought of the Day. We built the kindness packs into form time, pupils were encouraged to report acts of kindness, rewards were given out for kindness and it was a lovely link to charity with our shoebox appeal and Children in Need. It was a very uplifting time and we hope to continue to reinforce it.”
“I have read with interest the pack that you have created for Secondary Schools and would appreciate a pack to be sent to our school.”
“Many parts of the pack look interesting. Thank you very much, this looks like a resource back that would be very useful.”
“I would like to take up your offer for packs for the pastoral teams in my school at KS4. I have 8 teams in each of the years 9, 10 and 11 and would therefore require 30 copies to cover all the tutors and heads of year in each group. Additionally we have year 7 and year 8 in KS3 who I am sure would use the resource. Would you kindly forward these to our school? With regard to activities on Kindness Day we will be delivering assemblies, covering this topic in our daily act of worship along with activities in our pastoral programme.”
“We will be using the pack in our school. We like the curriculum areas and advice/help on how to use ideas in school. For Kindness Day UK we will do a display, assembly and tutor time.”
“We will use the pack in tutorials in years 7-11 to ensure kindness is at the top of our agenda. If you are able to send four more booklets we will distribute them to tutorial leaders. On Kindness Day UK we will be praying for those less fortunate, preparing “shoe boxes” to distribute at Christmas and raising money for chosen charities in each Year group.”
“We would like to use this resource in our academy. Please could we have as many of the packs as possible to distribute to our form tutors. For Kindness Day 13th November, the whole week will have a theme of kindness using the resources in the Kindness UK pack. Form tutors will use the resources from the pack to deliver form tutor time activities. Also all students will be made aware of Kindness Day on 13th November.”
“Moor End Academy, West Yorkshire”
“Please can you send us 6 additional packs. We will use these for Year 7 form time and in learning and thinking about the community.”
“Thank you for sending us the pack for secondary schools – we are planning to incorporate some of the ideas into our pastoral programme, alternative provision programme and student voice work. A couple of extra packs would be great if possible. Thanks again.”
“Please could we have 4 more secondary books?”
“Very happy to receive this booklet.”
“Is it possible to send another 10 copies of your Kindness Pack for secondary schools; supporting, promoting and sharing kindness.”
“Please send 3 more kindness packs for us to use.”
“It all looks very useful, I would be grateful for 10 additional if possible to distribute to key staff. I plan to do a Kindness Noticeboard, Assembly and have a theme of the week, share the concept with Heads of Year and school, and distribute to subject teachers. I always do a regular assembly slot on Random Acts of Kindness and it is part of the ethos of the school to be nice to each other (staff & students) and to treat each other with courtesy and respect. Many thanks. I really believe in Kindness.”
“We will use this as part of Intervention Programmes. We will use the packs weekly with 1:1 and small groups. Please can we be sent 30 free copies to use in the Academy? These are now being used with mentored groups of students. We would love to have a certificate to display. Thanks.”
“There are some lovely ideas for assemblies, citizenship and RE lessons, thank you. Brilliant resource, well done!”
“Please could you send us 6 more kindness packs.”
“I will pass the pack to our PSHCEE coordinator and English department.”
“I have passed the pack on to our PSHCE lead to use in her lessons. Many thanks.”
“We shall look to use it in tutorial and PSHCE first.”
“It looks excellent. I am certain that we will be using some of the activities either in form time or PSHE lessons. I will also take some time to explore what is one your website. I am particularly excited by the debates, dilemmas and community activities. As a middle school, we also have Key Stage 2 pupils. I would be interested in receiving the primary pack as well. Thank you very much”