Kingsbury Episcopi Primary Schoool

“Many thanks for your ideas and inspiration.”

Bulford Primary School - Bulford

“Thank you for the amazing resource pack. I have put up a 'take a smile sheet' on my classroom door.The Head was very impressed and visiting teachers said what a great idea it is. It was so heartwarming.”

Tickenham Church of England Primary School – Somerset

“Next term our school is focusing on kindness, please can we have a copy of your kindness pack? Thank you”

Archbishop Benson CofE Primary School – Cornwall

“Our 2014 – 2015 Anti-Bullying programme is called the Kindness Wave & each term we are celebrating a significant event and awarding Kindness Certificates to our pupils who are spotted doing everyday random acts of kindness. In November we celebrated National Anti-Bullying Week & BLUE (Be Loving & Understanding to Everyone. In March we are celebrating the UN International Day of Happiness and in May we are celebrating International Day of Families.”

Portesham CofE VA Primary School, Portesham

“We would very much like to be involved in the Kindness Day on November 13th and would be very grateful if you would send an information pack. Our reception class and nursery have already decided that we will make kindness tokens to give to other children who show them kindness throughout the day.”

Salisbury Cathedral School – Wiltshire

“My colleague is working with us at Salisbury on a drawing/kindness topic during next half term. We are a chorister school and our pre-prep department places great emphasis on self awareness and thought for others. It would be great if you could send me one of your Primary School packs through to help us in our task. Thanks.”

Twerton Infants School, Bath

“Please could you send us a Primary School pack, many thanks.”

St Agnes Primary School, Cornwall

“Is it possible to send another primary school kindness pack as I would like to use the pack as part of our PSHE work. Many thanks”

Portreath Community Primary School, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

“Like the ideas for whole school promotion via displays etc. We are a school that prides itself on promoting kindness etc. We use RTIME and find this is a highly effective whole school policy. Thanks so much.”

St Mary’s CofE Primary School, Cornwall

“We have used ideas in the Kindness Pack with our year 1 and 2 children this term linking to our work on Relationships and Friendships. The Kindness pack of resources was great. The children responded to the ideas very well and the emphasis on Kindness mirrors the values that we seek to embed in our children. Thank you!”

Knighton House School, Dorset

“We would like to received your kindness pack to support school assemblies and our Personal Enrichment Programme.”

Colston's Primary School, Bristol

“All of it looks useful. We are already an eco-school and have a kindness cup that is given to a child who has been kind that week etc. The info pack is full of good simple ideas and we will certainly promote some of them as they are easy to slot into the curriculum. Thanks.”

Kilkhampton Junior and Infant School, Cornwall

“Thank you. All looks usefull at first glance.”

Blisland Community Primary School, Cornwall

“This pack will be particularly of benefit in PSHE lessons and also for some assemblies with the whole school. Thank you.”

St Saviour's Junior School, Bath

“We linked your 'kindness' activities to our anti-bullying week. Our whole school focus on how to beat bullying together was through whole school kindness. We used the kindness stickers which children were awarded for acts of kindness. We celebrated 'kindness class of the week' after totalling them up and awarded them in assembly. We had a smile and compliment day. Children recorded acts of kindness, it was a great focus enjoyed by all. We researched a kind person (famous/family/local) and collected (raised) money for a local charity. So your pack has been well used. Thank you.”

Kennall Vale School, Cornwall

“Will use in assembly. Will use the pack with 'kindness coins' (leave in someone's locker, anonymously) if they are kind to you - pass the kindness on.”

Longwood Primary School, Staffordshire

“Please send us a copy of your resources pack for primary schools.”

Kings Park Primary School, Wiltshire

“Most of the pack looks useful. An excellent resource for promoting positive behaviour within school. Some great ideas about how to share Kindness. Many thanks.”

Stanton Primary School, Staffordshire

“Loved the worksheets, thank you.”

Hooe Primary School, Devon

“The worksheets and ideas are useful as a reminder of what we can cover. Thank you.”

Greenfylde CofE First School, Somerset

“We would be very interested in finding out more about your kindness pack which was recommended.”

St Andrews Church of England Voluntary Aided Infant School, Laverstock

“All of the ideas look useful. Super ideas which we will dip into in school for worship - ideal time as we are having a school focus on Christian values. Thank you!”

Swimbridge Church of England Primary School

“We haven't used it yet, but will be using it during our PSHE sessions.”

Lewannick Community Primary School, Launceston

“We have an active school council who will use your pack to link with other associated work they are doing e.g. anti-bullying. Thank you.”

Primrose Hill CofE Primary School, Gloucestershire

“This will support our collective worship theme when there are in class session and resources are limited.”

Coads Green Primary School, Launceston

“I am sure that some or all of the pack will be useful in school as it fits within our whole school ethos. I think it will be particularly useful within assemblies.”

Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School

“How delightful to receive something useful and cheery through the post. Your ideas and suggestions fit well with our philosophy of 'kind words and kind actions' and I'll be using aspects for assemblies. A lovely idea and useful book. How refreshing to be thanked!”

Catherine Wayte Primary School, Swindon

“We talk to the children about positive personal qualities which we call 'gems'. We look for 'gems' in ourselves and in each other. Kindness is one of our 'gems'. This book could be used alongside our other PSHE/well-being resources.”

Lyneham Primary School, Wiltshire

“How kind to send us this resource free! Can we have more please? We are a values led school and this is a perfect resource for us! Kind regards, Julie Carr.”

Portishead Primary School, Somerset

“Thank you for the pack. It was very kind. We will use the pack during anti-bullying week and make a kindness tree.”

North Newton Community Primary School, Somerset

“This looks a really helpful resource. Many thanks.”

St Saviour's CofE Junior School, Somerset

“Thank you - we plan to incorporate many ideas around Anti-Bullying week in November.”

St John's Church of England Voluntary Aided School, Dorset.

“We will use the weekly focus ideas which are great for display and collective worship.”

Looe Primary School, Cornwall.

“This pack is great for whole class teaching and small social groups. The online resources are also useful as they can be displayed to remind the children.”

Trinity Anglican Methodist Primary School, Bristol

“Our School Council looked through and tried some of the activities in the primary book you kindly gave us. They particularly liked the Class Kindness book and suggested that this could also be done through a class blog or on the school website as well. We hope to use the stories more next year.”

Field Court CofE Infant School, Gloucestershire

“I love the concept and am particularly taken with the kindness area at school.”

Jacobstow Community Primary School, Cornwall

“Some of the activities are useful for whole school assembly activities.”

St Meriadoc CofE Junior School, Cornwall

“It will be useful as a resource for our buddy group. Thank you.”

Old Sodbury CofE Primary School, Bristol

“We used activities 2, 5 and 6. The stories were good, the children enjoyed them and then produced some good follow up work. The words were used for a display together with quotes about kindness we found on the internet.”

Wroughton Junior School, Wiltshire

“Activities 1, 4 and 5 were particularly useful.”

Westbury Park Primary School, Bristol

“The Kindness Quiz and Kindness Wall Cart ideas are really useful. Thank you, a lovely, thought-provoking booklet to receive on a grey Wednesday afternoon.”

Haytor View Community Primary School, Devon

Requested and received 4 extra packs

St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School, Isle of White

“It's all really useful!”

St Werburgh's Primary School, Bristol

“Nice simple and easy to use guide.”

St Martin's CofE VA Primary School, Wiltshire

“Great activity ideas and online resources.”

Holy Trinity Primary School, Bristol

“The downloadable resources and environmental kindness ideas are really useful (links to our RE curriculum too).”

Culmstock Primary School, Devon

“There are bits of all the activities that could be incorporated into our SEAL lessons.”

Calton Infant School, Gloucestershire

“I will take time to read it more thoroughly, with a view to using it during assemblies in 2013-2014. Thank you.”

Wraxall Church of England Primary School, Somerset

“We particularly like the kindness wall activity.”

St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Isle of White

“A variety of activities for all age groups.”

Penponds School, Cornwall

“Useful online resources.”

Charlton Kings Infant School, Gloucestershire

“Thank you! Useful ideas...all in one book.”

Braddock CofE Primary School, Cornwall

“I am going to use some of the ideas in each section for assemblies. Staff can then use further ideas and reiterate messages in their classrooms! Thank you!”

St Michael's CofE VA Primary School, Dorset

“Just what we need! I had needed to talk to my KS2 children last week about how to treat each other. It seems that Facebook/computer games/internet information and films which children have access to confuse children about basic human needs. Thank you!”

Haytor View Community School, Devon

“It's fab - it fits with the ethos of our school. Lovely simple ideas which are so easy to implement. Thank you so much!”

St Mark's VA Ecumenical Primary School, Somerset

“Overall - very good resource for primary aged schools. As a Family Advisor I run parent and child sessions that always have a theme - good tips for activities such as the kindness wall chart and the class kindness book. Also good sharing ideas for small group work with specific pupils.”

Haselbury Plucknett C of E First School, Somerset

“I have been using some of the ideas to support SEAL and in whole school assemblies. It is a very successful resource. Thank you.”

Dunster First School, Somerset

“We will seek to use some of the ideas and activities within our SEAL programme. Thank you!”

Princecroft Primary School, Wiltshire

“I am very interested in developing kindness and consideration in my school.”

Whitminster Endowed C of E Primary School, Gloucestershire

“This looks very useful - thank you. We will certainly use some of the activities to support our values focus. Also we hope to use it with our small PHSE groups that needs to develop the skills of getting on with others.”

Rodmarton School, Gloucestershire

“We aim to use your pack as part of our ongoing 'Values' assembly themes. Thank you.”

Broadstone First School, Dorset

“Thank for the kindness resource you sent through recently. The activities have helped me to think of some great ways to support learning about our school values. I'm about to go and look for a school kindness book! Thank you!”

St Bartholomew's Cof E First School, Somerset

“We will use this with our PSHE and SEAL resources. Thank you.”

Menheniot Primary School, Cornwall

“All looks interesting - some good ideas for assembly too!”

Bowsland Green Primary School, Bristol

“I particularly like the kindness wall chart and activities to do with determining kindness and what it looks like in practice. The resources look useful also. We will use in class, assemblies and during World Kindness Day celebration (this day was new to me!)”

Castle Primary School, Somerset

“This resource will support the work of our 'nurture' group as it fits in well with the aims of that group.”

Holymead Infant School, Bristol

“Useful for circle time and PSHE.”

St Stephen's CofE Primary School, Somerset

“We look forward to using some of the ideas to run parallel to our own personal and social program.”

St James and Ebrington Church of England, Gloucestershire

“We work quite extensively on 12 values that we have chosen as a school. Many of our values link with kindness e.g. friendship, compassion and thankfulness. I will pass it on to my RE coordinator.”

Rushall CofE VA School, Wiltshire

“This will run alongside our PHSE programme.”

Rockbeare CofE Primary School, Devon

“Many parts will link in with our Values for Life themes in collective worship - a very useful resource.”

St Buryan Primary School, Cornwall

“Thank you for sending these excellent resources! The kindness book, wall chart, and downloadable resources are all useful.”

Trent Young's Endowed Church of England Voluntary Aid Primary School, Dorset

“We found most of the pack very useful.”

St Lawrence CE Primary School, Gloucestershire

“Good ideas for teachers to pick up and run with.”

Trinity Church of England Primary School, Gloucestershire

“This pack will be useful as part of our values in assemblies and within our SEAL/PSHE activities. I think it could work as a positive slant to anti-bullying week.”

Weston All Saints CofE Primary, Somerset

“The book is really well laid out with lots of great ideas - we would like to use it in every class so I have requested extra copies so that each class teacher can have one. I like the way that your ideas span lots of different areas of the curriculum.”

Umberleigh Community Primary, Devon

“There are some super ideas in here to integrate activities across the curriculum. Thank you, a super resource.”

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Gloucestershire

“Some lovely ideas that staff can dip in and out of. Thank you.”

Wembury Primary School, Devon

“Kindness club and Kindness letters etc look really useful. The pack has been kept to a simplified form - which is great.” - Wembury Primary School requested and received a pack for each of their classes.

Abbots Langley Primary School, Hertfordshire

“It looks great - will be great for our school ethos.”

Collaton St Mary's C of E Primary School, Devon

“This will be useful as part of our bullying prevention policy.”

Southbroom Infants' School, Wiltshire

“Initially the pack will be used in our nurture group.”

Fynamore Primary School, Wiltshire

“This looks like a fantastic pack for our school to use in weekly assemblies.”

Berkley C of E First School, Somerset

“We will use in our PSHCE and RE and in our acts of worship. Thank you very much.”

Sutton Veny C of E School, Wiltshire

“Thank you for the ideas as some of the resources could be used during collective worship or PSHE sessions.”

Stokenham Area Primary School, Devon

“We will use lots of the pack as it supports our aim to be kind, safe and responsible whilst pursuing excellence.”

Great Torrington Bluecoat C of E Infant School, Devon

“The suggestions/activities are great and the website will be useful in collective worship times. I really like the idea of a kindness zone/display.”

Manor Fields Primary School, Wiltshire

“Inspirational! We have started on our Friendship Zone and Kindness Tree. I will find this pack incredibly useful. I like the fact that it will help my groups focus on the much wider impact that kindness has”

West Pennard C fo E Primary School, Somerset

“Looking forward to using the pack in PSHE lessons and as an additional assembly resource. Thank you!”

Herons' Moor Academy, Somerset

“We will tie it in with SEAL - e.g. getting on & falling out or relationships. Online resources are always welcome too!”

Newton Ferrers C of E School, Devon

“Thank-you for sending us the kindness pack. It supports the work we do in our PHSE sessions and the general ethos of the school.”

St Sidwell's C of E Primary School, Devon

“We have family groups in our school which are mixed age groups and meet monthly to focus on a PSHE theme, so these activities will be very useful for these sessions. Thank you.”

Grampound Road Village C of E School, Cornwall

“We will use this in the reception/Year 1 class to support the PSHE teaching. As the headteacher I will also use some of the activities in whole school assemblies.”

St Mellion C of E VA School, Cornwall

“The pack sits well with our PSHE curriculum. Thanks”

Pewsey Primary School, Wiltshire

“We will use it as part of our social skills programme.”

Lamerton C of E Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Devon

“Great resource. Looking forward to using it!”

Hayes School, Devon

“This pack supports our school's trilogy: Work hard, Take good care of each other, Have good manners”

St Columb Major Academy, Cornwall

“Activities look very child friendly. We will be showing it at a whole school staff meeting.”