“It contains lots of useful information.”
“I have already used the ICT + Cyber Kindness this spring and I will be using Activity 11- Media and Activity 14 people, in everyday life. Thank You.”
“Please can we have 7 extra copies of your Kindness UK pack for primary schools? I would like each teacher to have a copy. Many thanks.”
“Having been given a copy of the Kindness UK pack of activities for primary schools on a course this evening I would love to order 10 extra copies for my teaching staff. I heard about the resource at the Primary PSHCE network meeting for Maidstone, Tonbridge and Malling. Many thanks.”
“Your website looks amazing and having read the endorsements I have got lots of ideas to take back into school and would love to use them with your kindness pack. Please could you send me a copy.”
“We would be very interested as part of our PSHE work, to become a ‘Kind’ school, and would really like to receive a Kindness UK resource pack. Thank you.”
“I would like a Kindness Pack for primary age students. We are a special school and I would like to use it for a School Council Meeting.”
“We used many of the activities. Children in Year 5 wrote fantastic poems. Years 3 & 4 wrote their compliment to a friend and designed a bookmark. For Kindness Day UK, we had posters and balloons up around the school. Each class had an activity and a copy of all the resources. We held an assembly at the end of the day which every class could share and talk about what they had learnt. The children enjoyed singing along to ‘Heal the World’ and ‘You’ve got a friend in me’. I brought in cakes to ‘thank’ staff for their support. The PE co. organised a football tournament between the year groups. Thank you for the activities and resources.” (Children’s work attached – in post).”
“Please could you send me 3 Kindness UK packs for primary schools? The whole school enjoyed taking part in Kindness Day again. It is a helpful way of reinforcing kindness which we then continue to practice throughout the year. The pack provides excellent activities and starting points for us to plan our own activities. For Kindness Day the classes made a Kindness Day Book, paper chains of kindness, kindness kites which ‘chase away the sad grey clouds’. We held an assembly for the whole school. In classes books such as ‘The Kindness Quilt’ were read. Reception each made a kindness quilt (a square decorated with kind words and pictures). Year 1 made the friends paper chain of kind deeds. Year 2 made kindness kites, a kindness book with sub-headings taken from your kindness pack such as ‘kind thought’ or ‘kind acts done by me’.”
“We would be very grateful to receive a school kindness pack. Thank you very much.”
“I was looking for resources for an assembly about kindness and came across your site. I would be very grateful for a copy of your 'Kindness’ pack which appears highly recommended. Many Thanks.”
“We really like the lesson plans. Thanks – will be used in PSHE & assemblies.”
“All parts look useful. The downloadable resources will be very useful. Thank you.”
“We are promoting kindness as part of a mini topic on friendship that we are doing so the pack will be useful for our own activities and assemblies. Thanks.”
“All of the pack is useful, thank you! Especially for SEAL, S.M.S.C, small group work, circle time, PSCHE, P4C, assemblies and a good starting point for displays.”
“Thank you for your kindess information pack. It is useful to read about other suggestions and ideas which will compliment our existing PSHE lessons. The kindness book, quiz and wall chart look useful.”
“This will be another useful way for us to promote a caring ethos in the class rooms, on the playground, school hall etc. We will link it to work currently underway about establishing an ethos based on caring, kindness cooperating and working together. Thanks.”
“Please could our school have the resources mentioned on your website?”
“Lovely idea to produce such a pack - it ties in well with our core Christian values. Thank you. The Kindness zone is something we might add to our friendship bench.”
“Refreshing an already covered area. We particularly like the idea of recording kindness in a diary. We would like several copies for our school!”
“Some great PSHE resources for lunch time activity club. Thanks.”
“Activities to do in our 'Healthy Schools' curriculum.”
“I will be creating a Kindness book in assembly.”
“Our Wimborne Welfare Ambassadors will look through this and identify pages/activities for classes to use for circle time and assemblies. Thank you for this resource.”
“Would you be so kind as to send a resource pack for our primary school? Many thanks.”
“Is it possible for you to send us a kindness pack.”
“We have your kindness pack and will start using some of the specific ideas within our school as we have just restated our community code and have kindness as our first priority. We also have Peer Mediators trained to work with children on the playground, and have buddied Y6 children with YR children to help they when they start school. Is there some way we can become affiliated and have a school printed certificate to help show our commitment to visitors/parents?”
“Thank you for the superb Kindness pack sent to our school. We are very interested in promoting this and would like to request 6 more Kindness Packs (one per year group). We intend to use these in lessons, for displays and in assemblies. Loving the website too! Thank you.”
“We collect for shoeboxes Yr4. Staff work abroad. Ethos built on Hammond values. Having caring awards. Some of the activities will help develop our already excellent PSHE curriculum and extra curricular activities that have led us to achieving our Level 2 Rights Respecting Award.”
“All ideas - especially practical!”
“Will use as part of Circle Time and PSHE”
“Valuable resource to aid our PSHE and emotional Literacy programme. Thank you.”
“Our plan is for all classes to create a kindness poster using the activities in the booklet and then collate them all to create one BIG display. A kind school certificate would be a fantastic component to the display. I have attached some examples of our work so far. I hope to gage a difference in the understanding of kindness and what it means to each year group.”
Thank you for the pack. (I am the PSHE co-ordinator for the school and so was given the booklet via the head.) I am planning to discuss ideas with all the staff and will promote having a kindness display and celebrating 'Kindness Day' on 13th November.
“All of this looks useful. I will copy for all staff. Many thanks. Anything else useful - please could you email us.”
“We will add this to our 'Values for Life' folder which has themes for assemblies e.g. courage, perseverance.”
“This has arrived just at the right time, we are promoting kindness again this year. Last year children were encouraged to be kind by receiving stickers and badges. This year is phase two where children are kind because they want to be and not for a reward.”
“As a school we often have a secret courtesy week which includes adults nominating children who have good manners and demonstrate kindness. These resources will supplement the promotion of kindness and good manners following our courtesy weeks. Thank you.”
“Easy to access and clearly laid out materials.”
“It will add to our PSHE and SEAL resources.”
“Great to see media providing projects and ideas for young people!”
“We will use this as a focus in PSHE Class Assemblies in upper juniors.”
“Thank you for the booklet. I have carried out a number of assemblies on the topic of 'Kindness' and your booklet was timely in giving me extra ideas to use.”
“Wow, this is amazing. I am using your information booklet for a whole school intervention. We will have prises for the best book created. We would love to receive a certificate to show all the parents that we are part of the Kindness UK Scheme. Thank you, we can't wait to get started.”
“We are organise a Friendship Week every year during Anti-bullying Week and we are extremely interested in incorporating Kindness Day into this. Would you be able to send me two copies of you resource pack please?”
“Thanks - we'll use this to help with familiarising the children with our rule 'We are kind and helpful to other people'. There are some nice ideas for class display areas.”
“The activities are useful for promoting kindness to each other and develop the children's vocabulary.”
“We'll do the 'Kindness Tree' display for our entrance hall.”
“Thanks - we'll use this to help with familiarising the children with our rule 'We are kind and helpful to other people'. There are some nice ideas for class display areas.”
“We had a great time using this booklet. We took the theme of Kindness as our PSHE focus for the last 6 weeks of term. We dipped into the suggested activities and developed Activity 8. We decorated pot plants and planted each pot with 2 plants and added a message card/decoration. We then delivered the pot plants to elderly people in the village. The response was lovely. Thank you.”
“We liked the idea of kindness being on a wider scale including others in need and in history. Food for thought! I hope to include this as a resource to help promote kindness as a 'value' in our school.”
“I will definitely be using the kindness book and being kind to plants and animals activities, but hope to work my way through them all! Such a lovely, easy to use resource, thank you!”
“Thank you for the lovely and helpful pack. I endorse our 2 school rules (1. Be kind to everyone 2. Walk sensibly in the school building). We also have a kindness agreement which we visit and update regularly. The word 'kind' or 'kindness' is such a good word to use with young children.”
“This will be useful to promote Social Emotional Learning across the school.”
“Thank you for your pack. I will place it in the staffroom and also retain it for future use e.g. during anti-bullying week.”
“We have photocopied the pack for each year group so they can choose relevant resources for their class. Lots of great ideas for discussions!”
“I will place this as a resource in the classroom and draw it to the attention of my RE/PSHE teacher and assembly co-ordinators to dip into.”
“A good resource for pastoral care workers such as myself.”
“The pack was very useful for us and we have explored various ideas with two particular year groups. The children have benefited well from the activities within the pack.”
“It has been given to our Learning Mentor and will be used as part of whole class teaching or specific issues.”
“Really like the idea of a kindness organisation! The ideas in the pack are practical and easy to do. Some of the ideas would be ideas for assemblies.”
“We are going to begin by having kindness trees in the classrooms. It is good to receive a pack in the post with so many easily achievable ideas. Thank you.”
“We are very proud of our Kind School Certificate and feel it represents the children and ethos of Chantry well.”
“Different parts are suitable for different age groups.”
“We will use it as part of our pastoral core programme. Thank you!”
“Your 'Kind School' certificate is displayed in the entrance hall, alongside other certificates of recognition...It is good for the school community to see recognition for what they do.”
“What a lovely resource to simply celebrate being kind! Thank you - we'll definitely be using this in the coming year!”
“The resources provided by Kindness UK arrived at our school at a good time, as we are focusing on improving behaviour and relationships with children in and around the school. All teachers were able to use the resources during our 'Positive Play' week and all children were aware of working towards being kind. Thank you.”
“Some useful practical ideas. More suggestions - How does your kindness make you feel? How can we help others to show kindness? What procedures can we put in place to monitor the development of kindness?”
“We will use it as part of our Values Education programme.”
“The children have talked about kindness in their class councils and brought their responses to the school council. The children have decided that we are a 'kind' school and came up with many examples. They decided that kindness should be part of every day life! It was your book that started the discussions and maybe reminded everyone how to act/behave.”
“Thank you, we have really enjoyed using your pack.”
“It will be used in assembly throughout the year to link with themes and for individuals as part of a specific pupil target e.g. aggression towards other pupils.”
“What a lovely resource! I really enjoyed reading through the pack and I'll certainly be using some of the ideas with the children. Thank you for the ideas and I look forward to using them.”
“All aspects are useful at different points over the year.”
“The kindness stickers/badges are really useful.”
“The activities and development hints which look at the wider community are useful.”
“I'm going to use the pack to create assemblies.”
“We have different 'values' each half term so I will distribute to teachers when kindness is our school value - thank you.”
“Some lovely ideas, thank you!”
“The activities are very useful, thank you.”
“Kindness is one of our core values at Baynards. We also have a kindness cup and a weekly kindness bag in each class.”
“We use Building Learning Power and have our school golden rules - 'always be kind and gentle'. The ideas in this pack have enhanced our provision. Speenhamland Primary School, Berkshire
“Vocab activitiy was good. I will use this pack in my ELSA work.”
“Stories/activities to support spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.”
“This booklet has been put in staff resources for teachers to consult when planning PSHE activities. A lot of the ideas tie in with our focus on Rights Respecting Schools work so could be used with a slightly altered vocabulary (kindness/respect). Thank you!”
“I used this in an assembly. The theme was 'love' and I laminated all the activity sheets and gave them to the classes as something to have a go at during the week to show love through kind acts. Thank you it was a lovely resource.”
“Lots of the activity ideas look useful.”
“I like the simplicity of the activities - common sense!”
“Thank you for sending us this pack. We recently had a kindness day where children painted a pebble (the ripple effect of kindness) and signed a pledge. We are creating a house of kindness where the children's kind deeds are displayed. We also made a kindness video similar to the one for Noah & the Whale's song 'Give a little love'. We will definitely use some of your resources next year when we do kindness day again.”
“Like idea of kindness book acting as a record.”
“We are a leading school for philosophy for children and it could be used as stimulus for this.”
“Our Pastoral Support Assistant works with individuals and groups and this will prove useful especially in 'conflict' situations.”
“It all looks useful and will fit in with some work on values we are doing next term. Ideas for using in assembly are good and it looks like there may be a few here.”
“Great resource which will support PSCHE! Will also be useful when talking about class rules and activities to help a class bond eg. in a new school year. Thank you.”
“Links to your website with further resources/photos etc.”
“I will definitely start some form of kindness club using the pack. Thank you!”
“Some good ideas for exploring this topic”
“All looks useful, many thanks”
“Great timing! Our theme for this term is kindness, so we will be using many of your ideas in class and in assembly.”
“Thank you, some very nice ideas and activities which we can use throughout the school. Will be of use in a variety of ways!
“Our motto is 'Everyday I will be thoughtful, caring and kind' - Thank you.”
“We will add this resource to our teachers library. A useful resource, particularly for assemblies.”
“The idea of teaching kindness is something that fits well with our ethos as a school. We will use the resource in our Nurture Group with identified children but it could also be a whole class resource.”
“We cannot underestimate the goodness that kindness gives to the giver as well as the receiver. Thank you for producing this booklet.”
“We focus on kindness in our Friday assembly. We will use these resources to support this.”
“The activities look good to use during 1:1 and group sessions with learning mentors. Thank you.”
“I particularly like the kindness book and kindness wall chart. We will try it out - probably in the autumn to fit in with kindness day.”
“I particularly like the idea of the Kindness Tree which would be a whole school concept. Several of the activities would be useful for our learning Mentor and/or in assemblies.”
“I liked the accompanying letter - simple and straightforward but acknowledges work being currently done. Clear bulletin layout in book with ideas which can be adapted.”
“The parts of the pack I found useful were the activity ideas.”
“Links to PHSE well.”
“The parts we will find useful are the quiz and wallchart.”
“I found most of the pack useful, depending on the year group.”
“Ideas for classroom activities and themes we can use in assemblies to support our core values.”
“We will be using this pack for activity ideas.”
“A great resource for schools. Have forwarded on to the PHSE coordinator who plans to use in assemblies and circle time and classroom.”
“We will be using some of the ideas as part of our peer assemblies which focus very much on PHSE.”
“We found most of the pack useful and will be using it in assemblies/circle time therefore there are lots of possibilities. Thank you.”
“We will be using this in PHSE. An excellent resource - thank you.”
“A super resource. It will be well used in our school for assemblies and in the classroom. Thank you.”
“Kindness is one of our core Christian Values for the autumn term so I will look forward to using the pack then. Thank you very much for the pack.”
“We will use the pack for our values work. Kindness is one of our school values and these ideas will support teachers during the half term when we particularly focus on this value. Thank you.”
“We will be linking the pack into PHSE lessons to support our school values.”
“We found the kindness book particularly useful.”
“A super resource - thank you. We will link the resources to our collective worship and follow them up in the classroom.”
“I like the kindness certificate resources.”
“The Acts of Kindness Diary looks useful. Thank you for the pack.”
“Will be useful for class/school council meetings.”
“All of it is useful.”
“This fits in well with our whole school ethos. It will enhance what we already have in place.”
“This will be useful for assembly ideas - Thank you.”
“We are taking the idea of a Kindness Day to our school council.”
“The environmental kindness ideas will fit with next term's theme of growth.”
“There are lots of helpful ideas and suggestions which I would like to use throughout the school.” - Lawford Mead Infant School requested and received 6 extra packs
“Good to know kindness is being more widely promoted.”
“We like the cross-curricular and pastoral presentation. We will use this booklet for both our assemblies and PSHE lessons. Thank you for this!”
“A really useful resource pack - it can be used in either a classroom setting or in assembies.”
“There are many activities we hope to be using in our self esteem group work. Activity 7, kindness zone - particularly useful within our library. Groups of children also hoping to create a kindness tree.”
“The activities look great and seems good for all ages. Nice to get these ideas to remind us that children do need to be reminded of kindness.”
“Lots of great activity ideas to support and enhance our current PSHE, S.O.W. and EHWB as a whole school focus. It will be used alongside Amnesty International's 'Friendship Week' ideas for lessons.”
“There are some nice ideas that will bring awareness to being kind.”
“Hope to roll out the Kindness Book with all my classes.”
“This looks great - thank you! The lesson outlines look really useful. Would be good as part of a focus for a kindness day or week!”
“Thank you for taking the time to develop this pack for schools to use. The activities all look useful!”
“The booklet looks packed with good ideas which promote a slightly different way of looking at 'kindness'. I like the focus and the activities and the online resources. Thank you so much for sending us the pack.”
“What a great resource to receive. It fits well with our core values and compliments things in school such as Take 5 Minutes. We have just lost a colleague and the acts of kindness that the children have demonstrated over the past weeks have given us hope in the next generation.”
“I really like the look of the book - the activities are clear and easy to follow with a clear aim.”
“We have a theme of values each half term and Spring 2 will be kindness. There will be a display of acts of kindness in school and in the community in the school hall. Each class will have a Kindness Tree with leaves given to the children when they are caught being kind.”
“Clear activities and rationale to support us in promoting kindness in our school.”
“We will try out as part of circle time sessions, to supplement our current resources.”
“Our school code of conduct us: 'Be kind; Be safe; Be responsible' so your publication will be helpful for our assemblies.”
“I have photocopied the pages for all staff and am currently using several of the ideas in a small group intervention I run to build up confidence and self-esteem. We have had several interesting discussions about kindness and the activities have enhanced our discussions and been enjoyable for both the children and me doing them. The pack will be useful in future themes across the school as it lends itself to our cross-curricular way of working...A delightful resource and one that is very useful. I will be returning to it again and again!”
“Great ideas! Very useful for PSHE/Circle Time.”
“The online resources, questions to ask and prompts for discussion look useful. Thank you!”
“What a lovely resource!”
“I can see many ways I could incorporate the ideas suggested in the pack. Some of the activities would make great assemblies led from a senior level into the school.”
“A clear, well written book. The downloadable stories look useful too.”
“We will especially be using the kindness towards people section.”
“This fits well with one of our 7 golden rules: 'we are kind, helpful and polite'!”
“I will place the resource on our staff reading shelf.”
“The activities are useful to support the value of kindness.”
“I like all of it, especially the Kindness Book idea. The school will share these suggestions and probably plan for a 'kindness' week. Thank you.”
“Fantastic booklet that fits in with our school ethos!!”
“It will be used when certain behaviour is apparent. Kindness assemblies would be useful nationwide too.”
“Some helpful ideas. We are a Values Quality Marked school and this will fit in very well with the way in which we approach values teaching.”
“I really like the activities as they are easy to implement and will be used to enhance our PSCHE curriculum. Very user friendly!”
“A super resource that will be used across the school!”
“Practical ideas to try in the classroom.”
“Thank you for the pack it will be used within our values assemblies and PSHE - lots of ideas!”
“It will definitely use the lesson plan ideas to support our work in school. It can be adapted to suit all primary age groups. Thank you!”
“We have a challenging class in terms of friendship and dynamics - we have looked at this pack and identified some key ideas that would help bring the best out of the class as a group - fingers crossed!”
“It is very simple and easy for any member of staff to apply.”
“An interesting idea that should link well with existing PHSE work within the school.”
“We will be using this within anti-bullying week - Having a kindness week. Thank you!”
“Kindness towards the environment ideas are useful. Some interesting ideas.”
“I will be using ideas from my pack to deliver whole school assemblies during the Spring term.”
“We will do the kindness book as a whole class activity and the other activities will be incorporated into existing PSHE carpet times.”
“We are currently promoting kindness so the arrival of your pack is very opportune. Many thanks.”
“The world does need to be a kinder place so good to know someone is promoting this without linking to religion.”
“I like the idea of the kindness zone which is great for PSHE. Many thanks for the pack.”
“Thank you for the pack - staff will be accessing the resources for P.S.H.E. sessions.”
“We are pleased that you are promoting kindness. Being kind to others is one of our seven school rules.”
“The booklet provides a useful selection of activities which we are looking forward to using with our children.”
Requested and received 7 extra Kindness Packs to use in their school.
“We will be using some activities for our whole school...Thank you for the resource.”
“Think we will include kindness as one of our values of the month and use these materials to support. Thank you!”
“An excellent idea and we will be promoting it!”
“We will incorporate your ideas, suggestions and activities into our Emotional Literacy sessions.”
“I will be using this in whole school assemblies”
“Some lovely ideas which we will use to support teaching.”
“Key areas related to citizenship issues. Good all round resource for assemblies.”
“We're looking forward to piloting the material-thank you.”
“We like the simple and easy suggestions and they are appropriate for all ages”