“I am interested in starting this in my current school, having seen it implemented in other schools across Scotland. I think it is a great initiative!”
“Thanks so much for the 3 packs which arrived today! I will distribute them to pre-school, junior and middle schools. Thanks for all your kind work (literally!)”
“We would be grateful to receive your primary school resource to distribute to our 19 classes and for sharing throughout the school. Thanks”
“We used the Kindness Champions and Kindness cards for a combination of bullyproofing/friendship and kindness: consideration for our additional friends in our sister school.”
“It is excellent, thank you. We used the pack very successfully with our P2/3 class. They loved the topic. It lasted a term and culminated in a whole school assembly, organised by the pupils and enjoyed by all.”
“Thank you for providing this pack. We have used it in conjunction with other resources as part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum.”
“The Pack is being used successfully as part of our Emotional Literacy Club. Thank you.”
“Thank you, this has been a useful resource to focus on past our R.R.S.A. work. We appreciate that this is useful in class and at assembly.”
“Very user friendly, simple pack to use with a class or school. Well focussed on just one concept - no clutter! Thank you.”
“We have given the pack to a teacher who does cover in many classes. She will use it across the classes to promote kindness and also support other initiatives in the school.”
“I liked all of it! I have given it to my staff to chip in and out of it. They were all very positive about it. As head teacher I will look at using this book with the head boy/girl and prefects.”
“Kindness is one of the values I promote in school. These values and activities provide fresh stimulus and practical activities that I can use at assembly and in classes. I liked activities 1,2,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. I would adapt activity 3 as only suitable for young children as very obvious. Thank you for providing this resource. It is much appreciated.”
“It is useful to have ideas in this area not linked to biblical material. Thank you for this pack it is always useful to have ideas collected together. The ideas are well supported by the online resources.”
“The pack will be shared with staff so they can decide how/if they will use it.”
“Thank you. This will be a useful resource for use in assemblies. I will check out your website.”
“An excellent resource for promoting positive behaviour within school. Some great ideas about how to share kindness. Many thanks.”
“Very happy with this resource. All of the activities look useful.”
“It all looks useful. Will link it in with our school values programme.”
“My P5 class really enjoyed this topic and I would do this again. I have enclosed a few photographs of some of our displays. We also raised money for Arbroath Infirmary through selling biscuits.”
“The whole pack looks useful!”
“The simple ideas to develop at assembly and in class are useful. I need to use the materials before I can make any comments or suggestions.”
“Some good activities. It links well with work we are doing towards the rights respecting schools award.”
“It is useful to have ideas in this area not linked to biblical material. Thank you for this pack it is always useful to have ideas collected together. The ideas are well supported by the online resources.”
“We will use this in RME and HWB lessons as well as circle time activities. The website also looks very useful!”
“A wide range of suggested activities means you could tailor the delivery of this to suit the needs of your class. Tasks are quite general therefore they could be tailored to suit with certain tops you may be focussing on.”
“Working in nurture group, these resources supplement our work on developing friendship very well indeed. The kindness book, vocabulary, quiz, letter and online resources are all useful.”
“We used kindness awards, questions for circle time and certificates for our anti-bullying week in November 2013. The pack fits in very well with our anti-bullying message - letting us focus on positive behaviours. The children liked having kindness cards gifted to them by someone else - like a credit card.”
“All of the activities link well with our current PSD materials. It was useful to visit your website and get some background information. The booklet provided gives lots of worthwhile activities which relate nicely to Eco Schools, Health and well-bring and literacy. ‘Kindness Vocabulary' is a very good starting point for circle time discussion.”
“Will dip into when undertaking assemblies on friendship/kindness.”
“This resource will be useful for Assemblies. The whole school can focus on the same topic, use the same language and share with parents too. Thank you.”
“I like the online resources and the activities. Well done for highlighting Kindness Day UK and well done David Jamilly.”
“This resource can be used at different stages. Good ideas which are easy to implement.”
“Good ideas. This will fit in with our circle time programme!”
“This will be an excellent resource for our lower school.”
“Thank you. Looks most helpful. We do a kindness topic every August just to get the ethos right.”
“Links well to Citizenship discussions and work. Also promoting everyone to become responsible citizens.”
“Our Health and Wellbeing pupil group decided to run a 'Kindness Week' instead of 'Anti-Bullying'. They adapted ideas from the book and we will review next year for a similar event to take place but bigger and better! Thanks!”
“Good activities to use throughout an academic year.”
“Nice starters to get me thinking about lessons or creating a kinder ethos/environment in the classroom. The fits in very nicely with the schools keywords, one of which is kindness.”
“A number of aspects particularly “Kind Sentences”, Discussion of topics will hopefully enhance relationship within the school community. Thank you very much.”
“We like the way ‘kindness is incorporated into all curricular areas.”
“We would do a Kindness Assembly for the whole school and ask each class to focus on it during the week during Health and Wellbeing Time.”
Most of the pack looks useful - activity sheets and ideas.”
“This is a useful resource and suggestions will be used in classes during CircleTime. The downloadable resources will be useful for assembly. Thank you.”
“Seems very cross-curriculum; lots of support for each activity. Looking forward to giving it a go and sharing it with my colleagues.”
“Activities are varied enough to be useful for all primary school ages. Our current topic is friendship leading to Anti-Bullying so will be able to incorporate some of your activities into this. Thank you.”
“Clear activities - excellent ideas which are quick and easy to follow, interesting online resources.”
“Thank you very much for this Kindness book. We promote Kindness at all times in the school but I do think the Kindness certificate is a lovely idea.”
“We now have a Kindness tree which pupils can hang acts of kindness on to be shared at assembly! Thanks for the support.”
“From 4th November we are having a fortnight of activities leading up to Kindness Day.”
“Some simple, do able ideas. Thank you.”
“As the Head Teacher, I will use this in assemblies.”
“Kindness pack could be used as part of our Friendship week. Kindness quiz could be incorporated into RME lessons in class. Kindness Pack and Nature could be used in conjunction with gardening week. Kindness zones, and trees could be a useful reminder in the classroom. Kindness could be used in writing or topic lessons e.g. historical figures.”
“- used with individuals
- at assemblies during: friendship, anti-bullying focus weeks
- for class PSD; circle time activities, ideas”
“Would be great to have more packs like these that provide fun and varied activities for teachers to use which aim to promote -relationships, friendships etc.”
“All of it looks useful.”
“Thank you for our Kindness UK pack. It will be useful as one of our core school values is Kindness. I expect to use some of the ideas as part of our assemblies (particularly short stories) and we will definitely be drawing the children's attention to World Kindness Day on 13th November.”
“This was a very useful resource for our upper school as well as our younger pupils. We were trying to promote kindness to one another this term in particular so these ideas were very strong.”
“Fits well with our Health + Wellbeing curriculum and will use aspects of the pack throughout the year.”
“As a Head Teacher I feel this is a useful pack to stimulate discussion at assemblies.”
“We will celebrate Kindness Day on 13th November as part of our school focus on 'values.'”
“I really like your online resources.”
“We will use ideas from the book and the website at whole school assemblies.”
“Lots of good activity ideas. I like the tree idea, ties nicely in for Autumn. Each year group can develop the activity for child's ability and individual needs.”
“Some really useful and interesting information and ideas. Thank you!”
“My class will involve other pupils to each lead a 'kindness' part throughout the session. I intend it to be a child led activity.”
“Looks like a very good resource - will have one of our senior staff use it first instance. Thank you.”
“Thank you. Will display ideas and share at assemblies, hoping that all classes will promote and recognise kindness.”
“ Works really well to help provide resources for teachers in Health and Wellbeing part of the Curriculum. Also as a Unicef Rights respecting school - reinforces many of our children's rights.”
“Fits into our Global citizenship work. Proceeds from sale go to our annual charity which this year will be Children of Syria. We hope to show kindness towards others and this resource will enhance our work.”
“Would it be possible to ask for a second copy...to use with our classes. Excellent Activities. Thanks.”
“User friendly, particularly the online resources. We present a Kindness Cup to an identified pupil at the weekly assembly.”